❌ No ChatGPT Search Engine

Plus: Llama-3 excelled against Top LLM

Welcome Humans🤖 

I know I missed the yesterday`s edition, I had encountered an emergency, so didn`t get the time to learn and write. Unfortunately, I have to skip. Though, I am still in middle of something, I did my best to write this edition. So , I am really sorry, if I had missed something important or written anything wrong. Hope you guys will understand.
See You on Monday.

In today`s Projects of AI:

  • No ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine

  • Llama-3 face off against GPT-4

  • Virbo — Making Video Magic Easy

  • 5 Latest AI Projects to Try (AI Tools)

  • Quick Hits (Latest News)  

You Read. We Listen. Let us know what you think by replying to this email.

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  • TikTok is introducing new labels for AI-Generated content across its platform by attacking invisible metadata to images, videos, and audio.

  • The Homeland Security Dept. is testing AI to simulate refugee interviews, helping train offers to improve applicant assessments and better detect smuggling attempts.

  • Adobe launched its Acrobat AI Assistant for enterprise, offering features like document chat, summaries, and intelligent citations to streamline productivity.

  • Anthropic has defended its decision to partner with both Google and Amazon, claiming it gives them more independence than if they just has one.

  • Reddit locks down its public data in a new content policy says use now requires a contract.

  • Elon Musk`s Lawyers succeed in challenge to remove OpenAI case judge.

  • DEEPX, an AI chip startup secures $80M Series C at a $529M valuation, will go toward mass production of the startup`s inaugural products.

  • WhatsApp`s latest update streamlines navigation and adds a ‘darker dark mode’.


NO ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine Coming Monday

As per reports, OpenAI were planning to announce a new AI search engine on Monday that aims to challenge Google`s dominance, backed by Microsoft and leveraging ChatGPT. However, Sam Altman`s tweet put stop on all rumors.

Though, there is no gpt-5 or search engine is coming, but upgrades to ChatGPT and GPT-4 are surely on the way.

The Details:

  • The upcoming product will extent ChatGPT`s capabilities by allowing it to fetch real-time web information with direct source citations, addressing prior limitations.

  • Some versions of the feature may also incorporate relevant images alongside text responses, such as diagrams or illustrated instructions.

  • The reveal comes just before Google`s I/O conference where new AI search features are expected, and follows the integration of ChatGPT with Microsoft Bing as well as Google`s own generative AI search rollout.

  • OpenAI currently limits browsing capabilities to ChatGPT Plus subscribers, which has been inconsistent.

Why it matters: OpenAI`s entry into the AI search market intensifies the battle against Google and startups like Perplexity. By combining ChatGPT`s conversational strengths with dynamic web sourcing, this move aims to dethrone Google while elevating AI`s role in search and information access. The imminent announcement sets the stage for disruption in one of tech`s most lucrative domains.


Llama-3 faces off against GPT-4

Image: Lmsys

Lmsys published an in-depth comparison pitting Meta`s open-source Llama 3 70B model against top performers like GPT-4 using data from its Chatbot Arena platform.

The Details:

  • While trailing in areas like math and coding, Llama-3 excelled in creative prompts like brainstorming and writing, exhibiting a friendlier, more conversational tone.

  • The analysis ranks Llama-3 as the top open-source offering on the Lmsys leaderboard based on over 70,000 user votes from Arena battle testing.

Why it matters: Llama-3`s ability to competitively match GPT-4`s prowess in certain tasks showcases the remarkable progress of open-source language models, even as Meta`s largest offering remains unreleased. This granular competitive analysis provides valuable insights often overlooked in broader benchmarking while highlighting open-source AI`s increasing viability.

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