🤖 Microsoft's AI training sparks debate

Plus: Humanoid helpers revolutionize logistics. Is your job next?

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Welcome Humans🤖 

Today, brings major shifts in AI across industries. From humanoid robots making their way into warehouses to Apple's unique approach to AI integration, and Microsoft's controversial stance on web content for AI training – we've got a packed edition. Let's explore these developments and their potential impacts.

Here`s what I have for You today:

  • Humanoid robots enter warehouses

  • Apple's device longevity shapes AI plans

  • Microsoft Exec: Web content fair game for AI

  • Tutorial: Bring your sketches to life for free

  • Everything else you should know today

  • New 5 AI Job Opportunities

  • AI-Generated Images: Macaw Parrot

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💻 Microsoft AI chief's controversial stance on web content

Image: Microsoft

Microsoft's AI boss, Mustafa Suleyman, has sparked debate by suggesting that content on the open web is fair game for AI training.

The Details 📊

  • Suleyman likened publicly available web content to "freeware" for AI training.

  • He argues that using this data is part of an implicit "social contract" of the internet.

  • The stance has raised concerns about copyright and fair use in AI development.

  • It highlights the ongoing debate about data rights and AI ethics in the tech industry.

Why It Matters: This perspective from a leading AI figure at Microsoft could influence industry practices and potentially shape future policies on AI training data usage.


🤖 Humanoid robots enter warehouses

GXO Logistics has signed a groundbreaking multi-year agreement with Agility Robotics to deploy humanoid robots in its warehouses.

The Details 📊

  • Agility's Digit robots will work alongside human employees in GXO's facilities.

  • The robots can handle various tasks, including picking, placing, and moving items.

  • This marks the first large-scale commercial deployment of humanoid robots in logistics.

  • The partnership aims to enhance efficiency and address labor shortages in the industry.

Why It Matters: This collaboration could revolutionize warehouse operations, potentially leading to widespread adoption of humanoid robots in logistics and other industries.


🍎 Apple's device longevity shapes its AI strategy

Image: Apple

Apple's focus on creating longer-lasting devices is influencing its approach to AI integration, particularly with iOS 19 and the Vision Pro.

The Details 📊

  • Apple's devices are lasting longer, with many users keeping their iPhones for 4+ years.

  • The company is exploring ways to implement AI features that don't require constant hardware upgrades.

  • iOS 19 is expected to introduce new AI capabilities compatible with older devices.

  • Apple's AI strategy for Vision Pro aims to balance innovation with hardware longevity.

Why It Matters: Apple's approach could set a new standard for sustainable tech development, balancing cutting-edge AI features with extended device lifecycles.

Everything You Need to Know
  • Amazon Secures Talent and Tech from AI Startup Adept. In a strategic move, Amazon has struck a licensing deal with Adept, an AI startup known for AI-powered software agents. This agreement sees Adept's co-founders, including CEO David Luan, joining Amazon while Adept continues under new leadership. 

  • Amazon is planning to spend over $100B on data centers over the next decade, shifting its investment focus towards AI infrastructure.

  • Vaire Computing raises $4.5M for ‘reversible computing’ moonshot which could drastically reduce energy needs.

  • The Center for Investigative Reporting filed a new copyright infringement lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft, alleging use of its journalism in AI training.

  • OpenAI board member Larry Summers said that Sam Altman was fired for “personnel and process” reasons, not 'cause they thought he was playing fast and loose with safety.

Learning Corner
An easy-to-understand guide to get you started in AI

Bring your sketches to life for free

Image: The Rundown

In this tutorial, you will learn how to turn your sketches into images for free using Adobe Firefly’s new feature called “Structure Reference”.


  1. To get started with Adobe Firefly, first create a free account on their website.

  2. Select a sketch that will serve as a reference to match its outline and depth.

  3. Upload it on the left side where it says “Structure”.

  4. Edit the prompt to closely match your desired picture and experiment with Firefly's additional settings, such as aspect ratio, style, effects, or even angle.

  5. Click “Generate,” and it will provide you with multiple images to choose from!

Job Opportunities
  • Meta - Computer Vision Engineer, Reality Labs - Apply 

  • xAI - Network Engineer - Apply

  • Meta - AI Research Scientist, Language - Generative AI - Apply

  • Sanctuary AI - Field Technician - Robotics - Apply

  • Shield AI - Senior Project Manager - Apply

  • OpenAI - Engineering Manager - Supercomputing - Apply


🤯 Macaw Parrot

Source: Ideogram

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