🔍️ ChatGPT Search is Near

But Google SGE is already here.

Welcome Humans🤖 

Microsoft Copilot is attempting to solve the problem of coming up with a good prompt for generative AI, aiming to turn everyone into a prompt engineer with auto-complete feature.

In today`s Projects of AI:

  • Google DeepMind released AI model for biological structures.

  • OpenAI “Model Spec” reveals How it govern its AI Model.

  • ChatGPT Search is near, but Google SGE is already here.

  • Easy-Peasy AI: AI Content Tool to 10X Faster Productivity.

  • 5 Latest AI Projects to Try (AI Tools)

  • Quick Hits (Latest News)  

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  • 75% of knowledge workers use AI at work, and 46% of users started using it less than six months ago.

  • Google introduced the Pixel 8a, a $499 AI-powered phone featuring advanced Gemini features and AI media tools like Best Take and Audio Magic Eraser.

  • Abound raised $800M for its AI-powered lending platform that analyzes bank transaction data for personalized loan assessments.

  • Youtube Music extension is coming to Google Gemini.

  • OpenAI`s SearchGPT search engine is speculated to release on Monday. 

  • Amazon launched Bedrock Studio, a web-based tool for building AI apps.


DeepMind revealed AlphaFold 3 for Accelerated Biological Discovery

Image: Google

Google`s DeepMind has released AlphaFold 3, an advanced AI model capable of rapidly analyzing proteins, DNA, RNA, and other crucial biomolecules to predict their structures.

The Details:

  • Developed by Isomorphic Labs, AlphaFold 3 has markedly 50% improved predictive accuracy over prior tools, enabling hypothesis testing on potential drug molecules within seconds versus traditional months/years.

  • AlphaFold 2 focused on protein structures, whereas 3 can handle ‘all of living molecules’ and can model and predict complex interactions.

  • The AlphaFold 3 model is available freely for non-commercial use through the new AlphaFold Server, allowing scientists to generate predictions and accelerate research.

Why it matters: AlphaFold 3 represents a major leap in leveraging AI to rapidly enhance our understanding of the molecular underpinnings of life at an atomic level. By drastically accelerating biological structure prediction, this tool could revolutionize drug discovery pipelines, advance plant research for food security, and broadly empower more efficient scientific inquiry.

Learn How to Use DeepMind AlphaFold 3 Server: Click Here


OpenAI Publishes “Model Spec” to Shed Light on AI Governance

Image: OpenAI

OpenAI has released its “Model Spec” - a set of high-level rules and behavioral guidelines that shape how its conversational AI models ChatGPT operate.

The Details:

  • The Spec includes meta-objectives and natural language instructions that aim to balance the AI`s responses, maintain objectivity, and prevent misuse or engagement with inappropriate content.

  • By open-sourcing the Model Spec, OpenAI provides transparency into how it manages AI interactions and enforces boundaries, aiding developers and users alike.

  • Users can participate by filling out this form, with the option to select the objectives and behaviors that are most important in AI model behavior.

Why it matters: In the absence of inherent limits, OpenAI`s publication of its Model Spec offers insights into its approach for governing advanced AI capabilities. This initiative promotes transparency around the rules and guidelines instilled in its models. However, enforcing such constraints remains an ongoing challenge as real-world interactions strain these safeguards.


OpenAI`s ChatGPT Search to Face Off Against Google`s SGE

Image: Google

The Details:

  • OpenAI is developing a search engine that will provide web-sourced answers with citations, directly competing with Google Search.

  • However, Google has already launched its own AI search engine called SGE, which delivers generative responses for simple queries while displaying sources prominently.

  • While not flawless, SGE`s performance is commendable, giving Google a head start with an established search monopoly and ability to rapidly scale the AI assistant to billions of users.

Why it matters: The imminent launch of ChatGPT Search poses a formidable challenge not just to Google`s core search product, but to its new SGE offering as well. As a crucial tool for ChatGPT power users, it must prove superior to Google`s considerable AI search capabilities. This multipronged competition underscores the intense battle for search engine supremacy in the generative AI era.

How to turn on Google`s AI Search -

  1. Go to Google Labs

  2. Find “Search Powered by Generative AI“

  3. Toggle On “SGE, generative AI in Search” 

🚀 Easy-Peasy AI: Create Any Kind of Content 10X Faster

Image: Easy-Peasy

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Easy-Peasy AI features a user-friendly interface and cutting-edge technology that lets you conquer creative roadblocks and craft exceptional content in record time.
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