📉 Microsoft loses to Apple (again)

AI discovers new rare-earth-free magnet

Welcome Humans🤖 

Breaking: OpenAI’s Mira Murati fires back at Elon Musk for describing her company’s new partnership with Apple as ‘creepy spyware’

Here`s what I have for You today:

  • New AI Job Opportunities

  • New AI Algorithm Learn Language by Watching Videos

  • Turn YouTube Videos into Blog Posts with One Click

  • How to create a ChatGPT hotkey on Macs

  • Everything You Need to Know in AI Today

  • AI Generated Image - Who will this Race?

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Job Opportunities
  • Amazon Web Services - Generative AI Strategist - Apply 

  • Instagram - Data Science Manager. Instagram Growth - Apply

  • Duolingo - Senior Data Scientist, Economics - Apply

  • Meta - Research Engineer - Conversational AI -Reality Labs - Apply

  • Google - Product Manager, Youtube Community Moderation - Apply

Top Story

New AI Algorithm Learn Language by Watching Videos

Source: Mark Hamilton

MIT Ph.D. student Mark Hamilton and his team have developed DenseAV, a groundbreaking algorithm that learns language by watching videos and listening to audio.

The Inspiration 🐧 

Musk`s Twitter Storm

Hamilton's "aha" moment came from watching March of the Penguins, where a penguin's groan inspired the idea of learning language through audio-visual pairing. (Source: MIT)


DenseAV predicts what it sees from what it hears and vice versa. If you hear "bake the cake at 350," you’ll likely see a cake or an oven. The algorithm matches audio and video across millions of clips to understand language.


Hamilton’s team wanted to see if the algorithm could distinguish between words and sounds. For example, DenseAV can tell the difference between the word "dog" and a dog's bark, demonstrating an advanced understanding of cross-modal connections without any human intervention.


  • Learning from Videos: DenseAV can learn from vast amounts of video content online, like instructional videos.

  • Animal Communication: It could help decode languages without a written form, such as dolphin or whale communication.

  • Geological Signals: The method might also uncover patterns between other signals, like seismic sounds and geology.

Why It Matters?

DenseAV could revolutionize how we understand both human and animal communication. Its ability to learn language from scratch, without pre-trained models, mimics how children learn by observing and listening, opening new frontiers in AI and linguistics.

What happens when algorithms learn like humans? You get smarter machines! 🤯🔍 

Everything You Need to Know
  • Samsung just announced a series of AI chip developments, including a new manufacturing roadmap, the latest chipmaking tech, as well as a ‘turnkey’ platform for AI chip solutions. (More)

  • Oracle announced new cloud infrastructure deals with OpenAI and Microsoft to ‘extend Azure AI’s capacity’ and scale deployment of AI models. (More)

  • Pika Labs rolled out a new model update to its video generation platform, showcasing improved quality. (More)

  • Apple has reclaimed the title of “the most valuable company in the world” from Microsoft, which stole the accolade from Apple in January, thanks to its focus on AI. (More)

  • OpenAI’s annualized revenue more than doubled in the last six months to $3.4B—$200M of that comes from a cut of Microsoft’s sales. (More)

  • AI discovers new rare-earth-free magnet at 200 times the speed of man. (More)

  • A researcher fired by OpenAI published a 165-page essay on what to expect from AI in the next decade. We asked GPT-4 to summarize it. (More)

Tool of the Day

Video to Blog
Turn YouTube videos into blog posts with one click

Video to Blog is an AI tool that converts YouTube videos into high-quality blog posts. It uses advanced AI for accurate transcription and context.


  • Transcribes video content to text.

  • Keeps the video`s context in the blog.

  • Convert content into a blog-friendly format.

  • Works seamlessly with YouTube videos.


  • Blog quality depends on video clarity.

  • Only supports YouTube content.

Who Uses Videos to Blog?
Content Creators, Digital Marketers, Businesses, Educators, Podcasters.

Verdict: Video to Blog uses advanced AI to turn YouTube videos into SEO-friendly blog posts, making content creation versatile and efficient enhancing digital presence, despite being limited to YouTube content.

Learning Corner
An easy-to-understand guide to get you started in AI

How to create a ChatGPT hotkey on Macs

Microsoft is adding an AI key to their latest PC keyboards. But in the meantime, here is how to set up your own hotkey on Macs to quickly access ChatGPT with a quick shortcut.

Watch this Tutorial - Thank You to Jason Demorest

  1. Open Automator from your finder. Click the dropdown under type and select ‘Quick Action.’ Change the ‘Workflow receives’ section to ‘no input’ in ‘any application.’

  2. Drag and drop ‘Run AppleScript’ into the window on the right, and replace the placeholder script with the one below:

    • tell application "Google Chrome" if it is not running then activate delay 1 end if open location "https://chat.openai.com/" end tell

  3. Save the service (name it something like ChatGPT Open). Navigate to the Apple logo → System Settings → Privacy and Security → Accessibility.

  4. Click on the + sign, and add Automator, Script Editor, and System Events.

  5. Navigate to System Settings → Keyboard → Keyboard Shortcuts and click Services. Open the dropdown for General and select the shortcut name you saved the original file as. Double-click on the right side and choose the hotkey you’d like to use (ex: Shift+Option+Command+G).

  6. Open Google Chrome and go to chat.openai.com. Hold the command and press D to save a bookmark on the page. Now test your hotkey from step 4, which should open ChatGPT with a simple key function on your keyboard!


Who will this Race?

Source: Ideogram

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